Proprietary software vendors can be more agile and can concentrate capital faster and more efficiently, he said. 他说,专有软件供应商有时更加敏捷,可以更加迅速和有效地专注于资金。
The banks have told clients and regulators that new regulations including the Volcker rule, designed to prohibit proprietary trading, and the Basel III capital rules are hurting their ability to hold bonds. 银行已告知客户和监管人士,新的监管规定包括旨在禁止自营交易的沃尔克规则(VolckerRule)以及《巴塞尔协议III》(BaselIII)资本金规定将损害它们持有债券的能力。
Goldman's advantage is evident not so much in proprietary trading the bets it places with its money, which account for less than one-tenth of its profits but in principal trading, where it uses its capital to underwrite clients 'trades. 高盛的优势在自营交易部门并不如在主要交易部门那么明显。前者是用高盛自己的资金押注,占其利润的比重还不到十分之一。
Proprietary trading ought to be financed out of banks 'own capital not deposits. 自营交易应使用银行的自有资金,而不能动用储户存款。
Using patented technology or proprietary know-how as capital contribution in investment, or entering into joint operation with the licensee; 以专利技术、专用技术作为投资股本,或者与受方合作经营;
Banks use proprietary models to measure risk weighted assets, which in turn are used to calculate capital ratios. 各家银行都使用专有模型来衡量风险加权资产,并以此计算资本金比率。
Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. 除差错和疏忽外,凡专利产品名称均冠以大写字母,以示区别。
Like proprietary trading, Morgan Stanley's strategic finance group invested the firm's own capital. 这项业务与自营交易部门一样,也是利用公司的自有资金进行投资。
On the Realization of Proprietary Rights of Human Capital 人力资本所有权实现问题&股票期权的度量与抵押涵义
Long-term development should be treated as strategic guidance, proprietary capital operation behavior should be standardized; 以长期发展为战略指导,规范产权资本经营行为;
In the course of business or bankrupt, physical capital owners of the firms can avoid the risk by stock market, however, the proprietary nature of human capital has made human capital owners become the ultimate bearers of risk. 在企业经营过程中或者破产倒闭时,企业的物质资本所有者可以通过证券市场规避风险,而人力资本的专有性却使得人力资本所有者成为企业风险的最终承担者。